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How Telecommunication Companies Benefit from Precise Location Data

September 26, 2024 5 mins

As telecommunications (telecom) firms seek ways to optimize their infrastructures, respond to technological advancements, and deliver more efficient services, precise location data enables a strategic model centered on growth. The growing reliance on accurate location data continues to drive enterprise applications across the telecom industry. From the early days of paper plat maps—detailed drawings showing land divisions and property boundaries—and CAD (Computer-Aided Design) drawings to today’s fully automated network planning applications with integrated addresses, parcels, and building footprints, the need for granular, precise data has only increased.

Optimizing Telecom Operations Use Cases

Granular location data is at the core of modern telecom business operations and is essential for efficient network serviceability and optimization efforts. Telecom companies rely on precise data insights throughout the lifecycle of the typical customer, enhancing key processes such as marketing, sales, and network management.

  • Marketing: Accurate address data ensures that marketing efforts are focused on areas with existing network coverage.
  • Sales Pre-qualification: Sales teams use location data to identify which customers qualify for high-speed services.
  • OSP (Outside Plant): OSP includes physical network infrastructure like cables and poles. Accurate data minimizes truck rolls by optimizing network maintenance and upgrades.
  • BSS (Business Support Systems): BSS manages billing, customer relationships, and service provisioning. Precise geocoding ensures billing accuracy, tax compliance, and efficient service delivery.

“Granular location data enables telecoms to target customers with pinpoint accuracy,” noted Stephen Griffin, senior account executive at LightBox. “By analyzing property-level data, including points of interests by building data, telecom companies can identify underserved areas, target specific demographics, and even predict demand for services in certain regions.”

Unlocking the Power of Spatial Data

Accurate, granular location data is essential across all divisions within a telecom company, but not every team has the expertise to work with spatial data. That is why it is important to have flexible options for accessing and utilizing this data, whether through national geodatabases, API access, SaaS platforms, or integrated solutions like Snowflake. Ensuring all departments use the same set of addresses and ground truth—real-world verified data—helps streamline operations and enhance decision-making.

The availability of advanced geospatial tools now allows telecoms to map their services directly to physical structures, providing them with a competitive edge in increasingly saturated markets.

Location Intelligence for Tower Placement

The rise of wireless technology has transformed the telecom landscape, ushering in a new era of ultra-fast connectivity, lower latency, and unprecedented network capacity. As telecom companies race to roll out 5G networks, they face crucial decisions in strategically placing these 5G towers. The high-frequency bands of 5G have a limited range and are easily obstructed by buildings and trees. This requires the placement of many small towers, particularly in dense urban areas, to ensure continuous coverage.

Telecom companies are using advanced geographic data and consumer behavior analytics to determine the most effective locations for these towers, targeting areas where high-speed connectivity is in demand, such as near business districts, hotels, and event centers. The ability to leverage building footprints in a provider’s signal propagation mapping effort provides needed intelligence in where to place and direct the signal coverage.

This strategic placement of towers helps optimize the reach of 5G services and allows telecom companies to focus their efforts on regions that will provide the greatest return on investment, while also addressing coverage gaps and consumer demand. “Virtually every Fixed Wireless & 5G rollout has depended on granular location data to determine the optimal placement of a tower and identify potential coverage gaps and signal limitations,” Griffin said, emphasizing that this accuracy depends on a thorough understanding of the locations being served.

Enhancing Sales with Location-Based Insights

Telecom companies can significantly boost their sales efforts by integrating location-based insights and point of interest (POI) data, such as the presence of specific businesses or lit buildings (structures that are already connected to fiber). By targeting marketing campaigns specifically to locations within their coverage that qualify for high-speed services, telecom providers can maximize efficiency. Since only certain buildings or areas within a coverage zone may support top-tier speeds, tailoring marketing efforts to this availability is crucial.

This precise targeting not only improves conversion rates by focusing on qualified customers but also enhances the customer experience by promoting realistic service offerings. Additionally, by identifying areas with a higher likelihood of customer qualification, telecoms can allocate resources more effectively, ensuring that marketing and sales efforts are aimed at regions that will provide the best return on investment. The result is more efficient marketing spend, improved network usage, and a more streamlined sales process, all driven by data and geolocation technology.

Insights into Customer Needs with POI Data

LightBox address data provides a granular view of locations that can aid telecom companies in their marketing strategies. This data is enriched with details about businesses, helping telecom companies understand the characteristics of specific properties. This information can be leveraged to target businesses more effectively, predicting their telecom needs and enabling more precise outreach. LightBox can also show building occupancy including the number of businesses, business types, and employee counts to further provide insights into the needs of the region.

“Business POI data enables telecom providers to compare build-out scenarios, understand which areas pass more commercial properties, and identify untapped opportunities in already connected buildings. Sales teams can also spot additional business locations within their network for easy upsell opportunities,” Griffin noted.

With solutions like LightBox address data and LightBox Vision, telecom companies can gain deeper insights into customer needs, enhance targeting efforts, and streamline their decision-making processes. Additionally, they can gain insights into where they currently provide service and who they are not serving in that area. These tools provide the actionable data necessary for telecom providers to stay competitive while driving growth through more informed sales and marketing strategies.

To learn more about how LightBox can empower your telecom strategy, visit Site Intelligence for Telecoms dashboard.

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