RCM Deal Center

Never miss another deal

Source and evaluate more deals in less time. Control the flood of investment emails and streamline the path to your next deal with Deal Center. Avoid email overload and spam filters, expedite initial review and analysis, locate deals quickly with easy-to-use sourcing and research tools.

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Product DealCenter
Analyze deals with unbiased research

Access powerful data and analytics and conduct your own research on targeted assets and financing trends nationwide.

Discover new opportunities

Research market conditions, examine property inventories, test new strategies, and validate existing initiatives on the fly.

Visualize sites with interactive maps

Analyze any market at the parcel level with powerful mapping and geolocation tools including hazard zones, traffic counts, drive times, and more.

Uncover ownership and transaction history

Gain instant access to ownership details for any parcel, and view automated portfolio rollups including transaction history, property reports, tax maps, demographic data, and financing history.

Generate comprehensive reports

Leverage actionable insights with extensive property detail reports and compelling data visualizations for any site nationwide.